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Conversation Escalation

Product Name: Conversation Escalation


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All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Conversation Escalation is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


ATTENTION : In the letter below you're going to learn a handful of "conversation secrets" that can turn you into a "smooth" and confident talker almost overnight (even if you're usually shy or boring)…

"Amazing 'Conversation Secrets'
You Can Use Right Now to have More Fun, Engaging, Sexual Conversations with Women...Without Ever Having to Worry About What to Say Next, Your Mind Going Blank, or Awkwardly Stalling Out..."

If You're Ready To Finally Discover How To Smoothly Escalate
Your Conversations And Make Small Talk Sexy... Creating Conversations That Flow From Beginning To End... Create Attraction, Rapport, and Sexual Tension... Then This Will Be The Most Important Letter You Ever Read...

Have you ever blown it with a woman because your lack of conversation skills killed any chance of attraction?

Let's talk honestly…
…have you ever experienced that moment while talking to a woman where your mind just seems to shut down… & the harder you try to think of something "cool" or "witty" to say the more you retreat into your own head… and you can see in the woman's eyes that she is starting to realize that you're not as cool as she thought you were a few minutes earlier...?
…have you ever "ejected" from a conversation while it was still going good because you didn't know how to escalate the conversation past a "friendly" level… so rather than risk rejection or embarrassment … you walked away from a woman and got nothing…?
…have you In the letter below you're going to learn a handful of "conversation secrets" that can turn you into a "smooth" and confident talker almost overnight (even if you're usually shy or boring)…
…have you ever gotten a girl's phone number… but not called her… because you were terrified of that moment when she answers the phone… the struggle to think of 'what to say next'… the dreaded "awkward silences" … so instead you would literally hold the phone in your hand for hours before finding a good rationalization not to call…?

Have you ever had any one of these things happen to you?

If you're like I was when I first started to work on my "dating life", then you've been in one or more of these situations... probably MANY TIMES.

And what's the WORST part about going through one of these things?

Well, if you ask me, the most PAINFUL part of it is that as you're going through it, you always KNOW that it's YOU that's screwing things up!

And it sucks!!!

"This Changes Everything..."

I know why you don't give up…

Because you know that finally figuring this out changes EVERYTHING

I think by now you "get it." And you know it's not looks, money, or power (these things mean nothing if you can't talk) that gets you women…

It is your ability to open up your mouth and talk to them in a way that gets them feeling attraction towards you... And once you master this… you can literally talk to ANY woman…and within seconds… create that "spark" that other guys go their entire life without experiencing…

I know you've imagined it, yourself with James Bond like smoothness… Able to walk right up to woman you see on the street, or behind the counter at your bank, or in a grocery store, or at your job...

…And get the girl smiling, touching you, laughing at all of YOUR jokes (even the unfunny ones) all while you easily transition to an almost PERFECT seduction.

Not to mention the a surge of confidence that radiates through all areas of your life- allowing you to have more fun and CONNCECT with more people… and it means having women approach and chase YOU

It means an entirely new world where you have the courage to go after exactly what you want, and you get the RESPECT and admiration of all the men who don't.

Best of all it means looking forward to going out and talking to women… and ENJOYING your conversations with them… And finally getting RESULTS….

You DON'T GIVE UP because you know exactly what this means… and you know this is WORTH LEARNING.

"A Realization That Instantly Changed Everything For Me..."

When I was searching for the hidden secrets on how to get better at talking to women… I almost never found what I was looking for. There was a ton of great information on building your inner game, what attracts women, body language, and what to say to start a conversation…

But what I realized is there are certain things you need to know to execute all of this…

For a very long time I became almost obsessed with the question "What do I talk about?"

When one of my friends would hook up… although too embarrassed to outright ask…
I would shamefully pry "what did you say to her?"

And when I frantically searched through forum posts online reading other guy's success stories I always looked for the little snippets of dialogue that I would analyze and try to recreate.

Yet anytime I found myself alone with a girl… and knew that I had the perfect opportunity to connect with her… instead, my entire body would get tense… my voice would get creaky… and I'd find myself sort of shrugging and asking boring interview questions… and although she was being polite… I could tell she wanted to be anywhere but next to me…

In fact as my insecurity over my lack of conversation skills got larger, I started to find that this "what do I talk about" question was SABATOGING other areas of my life.

Anytime I got around anyone even slightly outside of my comfort zone I would start to feel this shell grow around me and the harder I tried to crack it…the more I would just murder my chances at creating any sort of connection.

Why did it seem that the harder I tried the more boring and UNNATURAL my conversations became?

I remember one night hanging out with a friend of mine who has always just killed it with the ladies… Within ten minutes of talking to this girl she was already inviting him back to her place… I stood there stumped…. There was no brilliant conversation… in fact, most of the conversation was pretty mundane… yet, she was giggling and having FUN the entire time…

Then I had a real "a ha moment" when I had a simple realization:I realized that the guys who seem to do the best with women were NOT the guys who were able to have the most interesting conversations…

And it hit me!

It is not your ability to talk about interesting things with a woman that turns her on… it is your ability to have fun together talking about NOTHING.

"What if everything you thought you knew about conversation skills was wrong?"

It's your ability to have fun together talking about NOTHING… read that AGAIN... and the again!

If this seems counter-intuitive to everything you thought you knew …or everything you have been TAUGHT it is not your fault.

Very few people "crack the code" and understand this concept.

I remember reading the book "The Game" and being so FRUSTRATED because the book would make it seem that you would just use a fun opener to get a woman talking, use a few routines…and WHAMO she would be dragging you into the bathroom for a quickie…

No mention at all of the long stretches of conversation between opener and close…

The Small Talk

"What The 'Gurus' Leave Out"

But as I read more and more books, listened to more and audio courses, and attended more and more live workshops…

I began to really pay attention to the subtle things that WERE NOT BEING DISCUSSED.

And here is what I found…

A lot of the advice being shelled out on conversation skills says something like "talk about something you're passionate about."

Makes sense, right?

If you put ANY guy in a conversation with a woman and let him spend the entire time talking about one or two topics he's passionate about… he'll do pretty good… right? At the very least, he won't stumble into those immobilizing silences….

…That is until the topic runs DRY. And then you're DEAD in the water.

On the other hand, the guys who really kick ass with women… the guys with the "jaw dropping" talent to seduce nearly ANY woman… the guys who have the perfect ten models wrapped around their pinkies…

"Great Conversations Talking About Nothing?"

These guys are able to have great conversations with women talking about essentially nothing.

These guys have girls giggling and wide eyed… during small talk... They naturally keep the conversation FLOWING… all the while, slowly moving the conversation in the exact direction THEY want to take it.

So much emphasis has been placed on what to say to demonstrate value, or what to say to show confidence, or what to say knock the girl off her pedestal… that it is virtually never talked about how to have a flowing, FUN conversation, while seamlessly weaving all of these techniques together…

In fact, the more I began to search through the piles and piles of information available on the internet… the more I began to see just how WRONG this information actually is when it comes to creating charismatic and compelling conversations with women.

Your “Missing Link” To
Attraction Building Success…

I'm about to tell you something that you already know…

I think you ALREADY KNOW far more than the average guy about how to be successful with women.

In fact, you probably know more about this than most guys who are “naturally” good with women.

You already know the “theory”… and what you need to do to be successful. But things just aren't working for you the way you wish they would…

And… I think you know that the problem stems from your lack of conversation skills and it is preventing you from ever having a real chance at building attraction with a woman.

You know "WHAT" you need to be doing. But you don't know HOW to do it. There is a big difference… I think you figured that out by now.

I also think you realize that this problem of not being able to communicate YOUR BEST SELF is not just limited to meeting women.

I also think you know that if and when you DO tackle and defeat this problem… and get this handled once and for all… you WILL achieve the success with women---and in life---that you were born to have.

And I think you realize by now that this isn't going to happen by itself.

The problem isn't going to “solve” itself… the pieces aren't going to just “fall into place”… and you will NOT have the success with women you are looking for unless you DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.

The good news is that this problem is not nearly as hard to fix as you imagine.

I speak from experience. There was a long time when I thought I was "different" and was just not capable of overcoming this area of my life…

But I was able to finally "fix it."

And now I want to show you exactly how I did it.

Finally a Cure for Your Conversations

If you're ready to finally kiss your fears and frustrations of talking to women goodbye--- and give yourself the priceless skill of being able to approach any women in any situation… spark her attraction instantly… and talk free and flowing … and leave her wanting you… I have some exciting news for you…

I've spent the last few months putting together a brand new, one-of-a-kind program on "Having conversations with women that engage, attract, and escalate"… and its finally ready to rock.

This program was not designed to simply educate you on the ins and outs of having conversations with women… and it's not just going to give you a few great lines and techniques…

What this program is going to do is completely IMPLANT the skill of carrying a conversation with a woman into your game, brain, and personality, and make it a PERMANENT part of you.

In this ground-breaking program you'll learn the" subtleties of conversation" "to pinpoint the specific problems that are ruining your chances with women… that make you realize ‘oh I can easily go on from here.’…

Always Be "In the Zone" With Women

You'll learn how to draw people out to talk about more interesting topics in a more natural way instead dragging it out of them. And the "mindset tricks" so that you can ALWAYS be "in the zone" with women whenever you're talking to them.

What's unique about this course is that its based on examples and application… and is filled with hundred of little "bite size" game changers that you'll be able to see an immediate impact on your conversations tonight.

Before recording the program I told the guest speakers "A little theory is fine… but we need EXAMPLES of things we can do tonight that drastically change the quality of our conversations… and we need EXAMPLES for all types of conversations with different objectives, for example, how to create small talk, ‘working the room’, creating emotional connection, making INSTANT friends, creating sexual tension , warm approach, etc. "

And above all, you'll learn tips, mindset shifts, and strategies so that make you REMEMBER to use this stuff WHEN IT COUNTS when you're out to talking to women…. Because the biggest problem I've found over the years is that it is easy to learn something sitting at a computer… but a whole lot different trying to put this stuff into action..

So I designed SPECIFIC practice routines to make sure you drill these skills down and make them become a part of how you naturally communicate.

If you've tried EVERYTHING and you can't get a grip on what your problem is and how to solve it... this program is especially for YOU.

"Command Power and Respect From Anyone You Talk To, Almost Instantly"

If you're feeling like you don't have any control over your conversations… and that what you say is completely random… and it’s a crap shoot of whether you're "in the zone" or in "boring mode" then this will show you how to break free from these CHAINS and take control of your brain back... and start commanding POWER and respect from all you come in contact with.

If you've had difficulty keeping a conversation interesting or consistently find yourself "stalling out" or "running out things to say" this program will show you how to patch those holes, and easily talk for hours in a fun and exciting way.

If you're tired of not getting any sort of "sexual" response from a woman… and just can't seem to ENGAGE her enough to ESCALATE past a "friendly" level… you'll learn how to snap yourself into "sexual mode" and to make your "intent" contagious so that she naturally follows you into this new way of communicating… and you'll see EVERY conversation as a new opportunity to connect on a deeper more intimate level with every woman you come in contact with.

I wanted to create the definitive "go-to" guide for guys who are dealing with the same problems that ruined nearly two thirds of my life.

Now there are a lot of "self proclaimed" experts out there on the internet… and there was NO WAY I was trusting this project to anyone that was not THE BEST OF THE BEST.

I got to together the best of the best and together we're going to share the skills you need to finally
say "goodbye" to the problems and issues that have plagued your conversations with women.

All of this is covered in the program… and a whole lot more.

Here is just a few of the other things you'll learn :

"If You're Not Taking Advantage of These Tips and Tactics You're Letting Women Slip By That You Should Have Had… It's As Simple As That"

As you can see… my guests and I left no stone unturned.

But don't get me wrong… this program is NOT for everybody…How can you know if this program is for you?

If you have the type of women that are “your type” chasing you around and becoming addicted to you, you might not need it.

If you don't have any anxiety, lack of self-esteem, or fear of women… and you never hit a dry spell, it might not be for you.

If you don't have any problems when you are “in the moment”… and you always do the right thing when it counts (especially with the women you are REALLY interested in), you probably don't need it.

On the other hand, there are certain “chronic” problems men have that don't EVER “just go away”…

Read through the list below… and if you find that you have experienced ANY ONE of these problems, I highly recommend you grab this program now.

However… if while reading through this list you realize that you have experienced more than one of these “chronic diseases” that are almost impossible to shake… you NEED to get this program immediately:

I don't need to tell you whether or not you need the information that is in this program. If you need it, you already know it.

There is a very good chance that this program contains THE KEY you need to have the success with women you want. And I want you to have it...

Why this program is different from everything else out there

Before you decide whether or not this program is for you... I want to tell you why it's DIFFERENT from everything else that's ever been created on this topic.

It's the first time that a program has ever been created SPECIFICALLY to help men improve their conversation skills for dating success.

Sure, there is a ton of "dating" "relationship" and "pickup" courses available… but none of them have been designed with the single purpose of helping a man like you to take your conversation skills to the next level.

And let's face it… it all revolves around your ability to engage a woman in conversation.

You'll hear 5 of the BEST PICKUP ARTISTS in the world spend hours talking about how they keep a conversation interesting, tricks for never running out of things to say, how to be funny, how they express sexual interest, and how to smoothly transition from the open to close.

As someone who struggled with conversation skills for years, I drilled these guys for their best tips and tricks that you can go out and use tonight to improve your conversations with women.

And I personally take the time on this program to detail the exact "practice routine" I used to finally kick this problem to the curb.

I personally guarantee that you will not find anything else available that is even CLOSE to this program. In a few minutes I'm going to back up this guarantee and make you an offer you'd be crazy to refuse.

This program is not filled with "fluff" "theory" or "science" as it only contains tactics, mindsets, techniques, and examples that you can use tonight

Most courses you buy spend hours talking about the "science" of attraction and present a million theories about why women act the way they do.

This program assumes you have a basic understanding of attraction and instead focuses entirely on how to weave attraction building techniques into every one of your conversations.

This entire program is designed with one outcome in mind: To help you fix your conversations so that you can go out and hold interesting, playful, and sexually charged conversation TONIGHT.

When you go through this program and APPLY the tools we are going to teach you, I can assure you that you're going to have more success with your conversations… which means more dates, more kisses, more sex, and an all around more exciting life.

We are six men who have tackled this issue in our own lives… and now we are going to show you EXACTLY how to solve this problem in your life.

This program does not "force feed" you one point of view or style… but instead presents unique personalities explaining their exact methods for creating compelling conversations…

One of the things that always sucks about learning conversation skills from a guru is that if you don't match his personality type or communication style… you're screwed.

For example, there are certain "gurus" who communicate in a gay, high energy sort of way… and I could never relate or duplicate their method. Other "gurus" are way too sarcastic for my taste and I could never imagine myself using their techniques…

This program brings in three unique personalities so that you are not forced to match yourself up with one guru's way of communicating. Whether you're naturally shy, energetic, laid back, cocky, quiet, geeky, rebellious… you're sure to find that at least one of the guests speaks directly to your personal style of communicating.

This program provides you with specific ways to practice everything you'll learn

Unlike many programs that simply hand you over knowledge and expect that you'll know how to go out and use the knowledge… I understand that IMPLEMENTATION is the most important part.

This program spends time teaching you exactly how implement these strategies and techniques into your daily life.

I know that it used to frustrate the hell out of me when I would spend all this time learning something, but then I would get in front of a woman… and forget everything. This is a common problem men face that directly relates to the way they practice.

I've formulated an entire practice regimen based on scientific studies that show how to practice something in a way that it quickly becomes a habit… because once something is a habit you will naturally talk this way rather than continually having to remember to use this material…

Because of this, I can show YOU how to master these new skills in the fastest amount of time humanly possible.

I actually think you'll be amazed at just how easy it is, once you know what you're doing, I'm really excited to share this stuff with you… because I know its going to change your life…

This program is affordable

I’ve Also Thrown in Some Killer Bonuses…

I just finished these brand new videos that will put your conversation on steroids.

This two hour video program nails down a collection of tools you can use to make sure you never stall out, never hit a plateau, and never lose her interest before you have time to build attraction.

In these three videos you'll learn three of the most powerful tools for leading the conversation forward, forcing engagement, and opening doors that allow flirtation and attraction to take place.

Just a few of the things you learn in these three videos:

Big Bonus #2 : You'll also get a FREE one month membership to the "Social Training Lab" Mentorship Program just for trying this program.

As a very special one-time bonus, I'd like to give you a month of access into my brand new "Social Training Lab" mentorship program.

Here's how it works: Order now, and I'll throw in one month FREE subscription to my Social Training Lab mentorship program just for trying this program.


Everything you need for better conversation in the palm of your hands.

You have probably already realized that the most important time to have this information is when you need... and that's when you're out in a social situation.

With these "Cheat Cards" you'll have easy access to the information so that you never forget what to say or do to attract a woman.

You'll get 20 cards that cover everything you need to know to turn a flirtatious encounter into a seduction.

You'll get word for word banter lines you can use to instantly spark attraction. You'll get a wide variety of tested, proven opening lines so that you're always armed with a solid conversation starter.

In these 20 "Conversation Cheat Cards" you'll have access to:

Here’s What You’re Going To Get...

Try it Risk Free for 60 Days

That’s because everything is covered by an unconditional, no-hassle, no fine print 60-day money back guarantee

This means you can examine this entire package for a full 8 weeks, and if you're not completely delighted with how quickly it transforms your conversations, I'll refund every penny of your money to you… no questions asked.

In fact, I won't even ask you why … I'll just send you your money right back over. And you can KEEP the entire program for FREE.

Ordering Is Discreet and Confidential

You can place your order without the slightest bit of apprehension or embarrassment... and... Your personal information will never be revealed to any outside parties. Everything is completely confidential.AND THE BEST PART: You can have all of this material just minutes from now!

Immediately after you place your secure order, you’ll be granted access to a special page where you can get your hands on all of this material right away, in the privacy of your own home... even if it’s 3 in the morning!

You won’t have to pay any ridiculous shipping and handling fees... and... you won’t have to wait weeks for it to arrive in the mail.

You’ll have everything I’ve listed in this package... in just minutes!

It's about time you handled this area, isn't it?

Your clothes, car, job… don't mean a thing if you can't have a fun, playful conversation with a woman that builds sexual tension

The girl of your dreams is not going to magically appear in your life…. And even if she does, if you don't know how to talk to her, you'll quickly lose her interest and you'll stand there watching her walk away.

Improving your conversation skills is your HIGEST LEVERAGE activity because it AFFECTS every single area of your life. No other skills can immediately impact your entire life like changing your

"Yes! I Want To RSVP For Conversation Escalation: Make Small Talk Sexy!"

I'm ready to exponentially increase my success with women. I understand that listening to this program is the fastest way to do this. I understand that I can start listening to the Conversation Training Lab immediately after my order is securely processed.

Your purchase will be *Discreetly* billed to you as CLICKBANK. All Major Credit & Debit Cards Accepted!

To Order With Paypal, Click The Order Button Above, Input Your Country And Postal Code, And On The Next Page, Select The "Pay By Paypal" Option At The Top of The Page.

I have already had hundreds of guys write me to tell me how quickly this program transformed their conversation skills. You can listen to some of the audio below.

Perhaps you'll find yourself in the middle of a wonderful conversation with a woman you really truly care about… the type of woman you've been waiting your whole life to find… and you'll catch her staring at you with loving eyes that say YOU are the only man in the entire world for her. Maybe that's when you'll finally know…

I want you to experience your magic moment… and turn your life into the exciting adventure it is meant to be.

And now it's up to you to make it happen.

Don't let another day go by. Make the decision right now to create this new life for yourself… and don't let anything stop you from achieving your dreams.

It's time.

P.S. This program will give you the tools to quickly and completely transform yourself into the type of conversationalist that ALL women want. You'll be amazed at just how quickly you feel your confidence building... and the improvements in your dating life will start happening immediately. Chances are this program contains EXACTLY what you need to take your game to the next level, and I guarantee it will work for you as it has for so many other men. Don't hesitate... get this program now. You won't be disappointed.

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Click here to get Conversation Escalation at discounted price while it's still available...

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Conversation Escalation is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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Jillur Rahman

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