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21 Days To Healthy Eating: Realizing Your Fat Loss Goals One Meal At A Time

Product Name: 21 Days To Healthy Eating: Realizing Your Fat Loss Goals One Meal At A Time


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From The Desk Of Carolyn Hansen (Certified Fitness Instructor)

Hello, my name is Carolyn Hansen and my book 21 Days To Healthy Eating has been designed to help you restructure your approach to food so that you can quickly begin to experience the health benefits of eating clean unprocessed foods.

At the same time, adjusting your approach to eating is pointless unless you can easily maintain the new habits indefinitely. So the program outlined in 21 Days To Healthy Eating emphasizes a "one meal at a time" approach that makes the day-to-day decision to eat for health something that is easy to stick with for the long haul.

If you have tried one diet after another, only to end up where you started, with no real modification to your eating habits, then you will be pleasantly surprised at the approach adopted here, where real changes can be implemented in a 21 day course that can be carried out entirely at your own pace.

I want to take a moment before I tell you what 21 Days To Healthy Eating is about to impress upon you what it is not. I feel I need to do this because one of the main goals for the book is to teach you how to burn fat more efficiently by modifying the type, quantity, and eating frequency of the food you consume. So, regardless of what else it might be said to be, the book IS a fat loss instrument.

Because of this I think it is necessary to point out that there are a great many bogus weight loss sites online today, but this is not one of them. It is unfortunate, but these sites make it really difficult for the consumer to form an objective judgement about what is realistic and what is not when it comes to expectations about what a weight loss product can do for them.

The problem is so rampant that the Federal Trade Commission dedicates time and resources to alerting the public on what to look out for with these sites. They even have a highly detailed and useful downloadable PDF document entitled Red Flag Bogus Weight Loss Claims that I encourage you to check out. In a nutshell, be on the lookout for sites that claim you can easily reduce your body weight by more than about a pound a day, and keep it off for good, without embarking on a strenuous physical activity program and cutting calories from your diet.

By the way, you will find no such claims on this page. I can help you to lose weight, and the only thing I rely on to get the job done is my knowledge of how the human body responds to nutrition.

My feeling is that the majority of these bogus weight loss sites are very likely run by people who have never seen the inside of a gym, let alone spent any real time trying to figure out what works when it comes to trying to lose weight effectively. Well, I am of a different cut entirely.

Now that I have impressed upon you the idea that 21 Days To Healthy Eating is not a "get thin overnight" type product, but is based on practical healthy eating practices, let me fill you in on what the book IS about...

If you take a quick look below at the cover of my book you will see a parody of the war we fight with junk food every day. In all seriousness, though, it IS a war, the scope of which is growing every day to affect not only our health, but the health of our children - one in three of whom born after the year 2000 will experience some form of diabetes in their lifetime.

My goal is not to entirely remove the junk food from your diet, but to downsize it significantly, and for good. This is a realistic goal, and I will show you how to make those cravings for foods with "empty calories" vanish almost entirely.

This approach to healthy eating is right for anyone who wants to win the war against junk food without having to engage in endless and ego-deflating battles with their food.

Eating, of course, is a preoccupation with many of us. That would be OK if it was not for the fact that what we put into our bodies is one of the two most important factors that determine how our health progresses as we age. The other main factor, of course, is physical activity.

One of the biggest problems each of us faces daily is that it has become incredibly easy to sideline physical activity in favor of sitting in front of a monitor of one type or another during our waking hours. We are no longer required to expend energy to be socially productive. I am using a monitor to help write this page, you are using one to read it. At the same time, gaining access to food in HUGE quantities has never been easier. The trouble is, these two developments work against our basic biology and set us up for a lifetime struggle with body weight issues.

We become self conscious of the way we look (and quite frankly we really ought to be self conscious) but instead of addressing the problem the correct way, by adding exercise to our day, and being careful about what we eat, we put off doing the simple things that can turn it all around for us and help get our lives back on track. Well, I have dedicated my life to solving problems like this for other people, and now I want to help you achieve some of the results that they have.

The truth is that it matters not whether you have already developed health problems because of poor dietary habits, or you are merely looking to ward off health problems that you suspect might be lingering on the horizon. If you begin addressing the issue of what it is that you need to do to ensure that you are eating for health, rather than for mere pleasure and necessity, you are going to see some real benefits in the way that you feel. Not just in the short term, but for the rest of your life.

Healthy eating is not something to be practiced only by the "health nuts" who want to get back to nature. It is something we should all be practicing because it is going to improve the quality of our lives, and add years to its length.

Besides all that, healthy eating is just plain enjoyable. When you discover how to eat for health, you discover how to eat all the food you could want WITHOUT the guilt that affects so many of us and puts a real damper on our ability to enjoy life.

If the thought of enjoying your next meal fills you with dread because of the very real possibility that you will overeat, you can now relax, because I am going to show you how to once again begin appreciating food to the fullest extent, but without sacrificing your health to do it.

Very few people appreciate that the almost uncontrollable desire to eat beyond the point that would have past generations feeling full is something that we have programmed into our modern lifestyle. We have traded away the quality of nutrition in our food for ease of access.

Every time we reach for another box or can of processed food we are making an invisible trade - exchanging a little of our prospect for long term health for the short term convenience of being able to quickly and almost effortlessly put a meal in front of us.

Your body is being robbed daily of the nutrition that it needs to function at its peak, and the result is rebellion - biological cravings for more food that result in overeating. To get overeating under control, so that you can maintain a healthy body weight, it is absolutely essential that you discover for yourself the truth about what it is that you are eating.

To be content to purchase your food today from a supermarket without this knowledge is equivalent to saying that you have faith in large foods companies to place your health interests above their profit line, so that they can continue to serve you long and well.

If that were true we would not be looking today at an epidemic of obesity and food-related chronic health issues, the scale of which threatens to undermine not only our future well-being as individuals, but as a society equipped to handle disease on an epic scale.

The reality is that only YOU have the power to ensure your longevity and quality of life. If someone were to come to me and say they had decided to become a doctor I would be shocked if they told me they were planning to do it without going to medical school first.

By the same token, if someone were to tell me that they are hoping to live a long and healthy life, but they are planning to do it while paying NO ATTENTION to the quality of the food they are consuming, then I would be shocked by their willingness to allow their ignorance of the role of nutrition in their life to shave perhaps 10 years off its span.

In 21 Days To Healthy Eating you will find recipes to guide you in the kitchen and in the supermarket. You will learn which foods to embrace, and which to avoid. But more importantly, you will understand the reasons behind the decision to put one food type into your trolley, and leave others on the shelf. In the war with junk food, you are a combatant, whether you know it or not, as are all the members of your family. It is time for all of us to equip ourselves with the knowledge we need to fight that war.

With 21 Days To Healthy Eating on your shelf you will be ready to fight those battles, and claim daily victories that stack up not only as extra days that leave you feeling energized and vibrant, but which add to your lifespan. I want you to experience the same satisfaction and well-being that I enjoy everyday, in large part due to simple decisions I make each time I sit down to eat.

I have written before on the topic of healthy eating, but never to the detailed extent found in this book. All of the truly important facts about this subject have been distilled and presented in a format that will make it easy for you to get started on what might otherwise be a fairly challenging process. Afterall, you have probably learned a lifetime's worth of bad eating habits that can be difficult to break. But break them you will, by the time you have finished reading 21 Days To Healthy Eating and begun putting the ideas into practice.

In addition to the 21 day plan of attack, the content has been broken into 12 sections as follows:

OK, so now you have a pretty good idea of what my 21 Days To Healthy Eating approach
is all about. The next part is up to you. If you want to get started on the road to better
health and a proven path to sustainable fat loss through mastery of your eating
habits, you know what to do next...

YES, Carolyn. I'm ready to for you to show me how to begin enjoying
food again to the fullest extent possible. I want to be able to eat without
having to worry about what it is that I am putting into my mouth and I am
ready for you to show me the way!

Send me my copy of 21 Days To Healthy Eating, an ebook
in PDF format which can be read by any PDF reader such as Adobe Reader, for...

P.S. While I try as hard as possible NOT to make promises on this page,
here's one you can take to the bank!

If after reading 21 Days To Healthy Eating you still don't think my book lives
up to the promise, or you are dissatisfied for any reason you can simply
email me to request a prompt refund.

Seriously. If you turn out to be one of the few for whom
"21 Days To Healthy Eating" just doesn't strike a cord, then I don't want your money.

Of course, I have tried hard to over deliver on this product, and I think
when it's in your hands you'll agree that I'm almost fanatical in my
dedication to quality, because I know that's what it takes to
make my clients happy.

Either way, because I use ClickBank to process orders, and because it is their
policy, the refund guarantee is good for a full 60 days.

To Your Lifelong Healthy Eating,

Author, Fitness Centre Owner
& National Champion Bodybuilder

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Click here to get 21 Days To Healthy Eating: Realizing Your Fat Loss Goals One Meal At A Time at discounted price while it's still available...

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

21 Days To Healthy Eating: Realizing Your Fat Loss Goals One Meal At A Time is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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