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Sacred Sound Healing System



Product NameThe Sacred Sound Healing System

Official Website: Click here >>

Who doesn’t want to be wealthy? We all want to gain a lot of money so we can buy all the things that we want.

I have tried plenty of ways to gain more money, and I know it requires hard work, and all that, but I also believe in the power of the Law of Attraction. One thing that resonated with me the most is the Sacred Sound Healing System (SSHS).

SSHS contains a series of ceremonies that can help align your frequencies to your desires just by listening to sounds.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s not just a normal sound. These tunes are incorporated with the Biofield technology.

As humans, we have our biofield, which is our “aura.” The Biofield technology used in SSHS is based on the scientific premise that every single thing in the Universe radiates energy. It takes the universal language of resonance, which is what happens when two energy fields enter into resonance with each other and exchange energy and information.

Basically, it transmits subtle energy through audio that correlates with our bodies’ own energetic field. Consider it like an energetic tune-up and synchronization for our entire system.

I used The Divine Clearing Ceremony and The Heart Awakening Ceremony to manifest wealth into my life. Their frequencies are powerful and it can stir up emotions that we need to feel and release to heal.

Listening to these audios has help[ed me release negativity and blocks that no longer serve me. It also raised my vibrations, which is essential to the process of manifestation.

Additionally, when we raise our vibrations, our lives begin to transform in accordance with new energy.

These are the what’s included in SSHS:

The Divine Healing Ceremony

The Heart Awakening Ceremony

The WholeBody Healing

The Shamanic Plant Medicine Ceremony

It also comes with two gifts:

Miracle Sleep Solution 5 Minute Meditation Stress

SSHS has helped me better align my frequencies to the things that I desire, in this case, it’s all about getting more wealth!

It’s a life-changer and I would recommend it to anyone, even if you’re not manifesting wealth. It will clear your energies and give you that much-needed boost that will make you happier.


Power Quadrant System



Product NamePower Quadrant System

Official Website: Click here >>

This is far too much of an important message for even a few non-essential minutes of recording time. So, that being said...

Here's just a few of the eye-opening revelations that you will discover inside The Message:

Whether your current job/career is the right one for you - or not!

What type of work you were really meant to be doing here on Earth (hint: it's also what makes you feel most alive...but it may surprise you!)

Who your perfect soul mate might be (everyones codes match up differently)

What your children's codes are and why you need to know

Who you should avoid working with at all costs (these people will simply bring you down but you won't know how to recognize them unless you can see their codes right off)

Why you keep having the same annoying arguments with your "significant other" (and how to stop - even if they don't have a clue what you're onto!)

Why you shouldn't have to do home OR at work

What your spouse's secret code is (and how it lines up with yours)

How to get 50% more done in a day after making 1 simple change

What tasks people are asking you to do now...that you shouldn't have to!

How to find the perfect "superstar" career made just for you (without changing a thing about who you are)

What your "special gifts" are (you'll be surprised and pleased when you discover several you don't even know you have right now)

Whether someone would be a good business partner for you - or not.  

And much, much more...

15 Minute Manifestation


Product Name15 Minute Manifestation

Official Website Click here >>

So how do you breakthrough and release all the deep seated thoughts that won’t let you go when everything else you’ve tried has failed?

Here’s what I learned and I didn’t need to spend hours or years meditating (which, by the way, I’d already tried). You don’t need to interpret dreams, read countless books on attracting and intending, create vision boards, or pay for costly seminars (which I’d also tried).

I was able to bypass all the time-consuming techniques and go straight to the source – the subconscious.

It only took a few short minutes a day

I was able to make “corrections” to my subconscious thought patterns so they rejected negative thoughts that were deeply rooted, the thoughts that continued to hide themselves even though I went through all the meditating, mantras, intending and all the rest of the techniques that are popular today

And I was able to form new, powerful thoughts that will became my reality in the same way the old thoughts did.

I’m sure by now you’re asking the same question I had when I first discovered this incredible program:

How does it work?

Let me explain it in simple terms.

15-Minute Manifestation uses theta brainwave technology to bring your brain into the theta state almost instantly. And this is where the magic happens. This is where the subconscious is most receptive to messages.

You may experience, as I did, vivid imagery, long forgotten memories, and intuition leading to creative ideas. I experienced information that apparently was beyond what I are able to receive during my waking hours.

But I wasn’t asleep and I didn’t forget the thoughts I had, as is so often the case when we dream.

15-Minute Manifestation is the last tool I’ll ever need and it only took 15 minutes a day

There are no long and tedious books to read, no theories to understand and nothing to memorize

All you need is a pair of headphones

Why are you still holding on to all those destructive subconscious thoughts? The technology is available NOW!

By utilizing your brains naturally occurring theta waves - the same waves that occur in sleep and deep meditation – you can reprogram your thoughts to get rid of those that have been making you miserable and keeping you from moving forward.

15-Minute Manifestation is easy and inexpensive (thankfully, because I’d already spent a small fortune and a lot of time on books and seminars that didn’t work). And the benefits are enormous. There’s absolutely no risk because the program comes with a 60-day money back guarantee!

Don’t waste any more precious time being frustrated because you’re unable to live a life that’s fulfilling your dreams. Get this program in hand today and discover what I did – that in just 15 minutes a day you can become the person you want to be. It’s easy and quick and you’ll wonder why you lived so long without it! I know I did! Click here >>

Soul Path Report Review


Product NameSoul Path Report

Official Website: Click here >>

Now more than ever, more and more people are awakening. 

It’s no denying that you’re one of them, especially since you’re here right now. 

There’s always been a part of you that knows that there’s so much more available here in this earthly realm for you to experience and accomplish. 

The relationships that you’ve built so far may lack the depth that you truly desire. 

You’re not able to enjoy life to its fullest because you haven’t tapped into your natural right to an abundant life -- in all forms, not just when it comes to wealth! 

Finally, you always knew you could be healthier, but every new diet or fitness program you try seems to go against the grain rather than encourage you to stay on track for the long haul. 

Don’t worry, you’re not the only one that feels like this -- especially considering the crazy times we’re in. 

In fact, the majority of us feel this way. 

This longing for more…

It’s something that you can’t always put into words, but you’ve definitely felt it before. 

But what if you came across something that not only was able to explain this nudge towards something more, but also illuminated your path to get there? 

Actually, such a thing exists and it’s called your Personalized Soul Path Report. 

What’s Inside the Personalized Soul Path Report:

Honestly, this report is huge, jampacked with so much information to fast-track your soul’s awakening. The amount of stuff included is almost unbelievable:

Your Personal Soul Code

Your Vibrant Health Soul Code 

Your Love and Romance Soul Code  

Your Material Abundance Soul Code 

Bonus #1: Insight To Geniuses That Share Your Soul Path 

Bonus #2: Neuroscientific Frequency Technology 

Bonus #3: History of Astrology 

Bonus #4: The Healing Power of Music 

365-Day Money-Back Guarantee! A FULL YEAR! 


All of these bonus sections are included for free! 

But of course... you still need to know how this program can actually work for you. More importantly, how it can make a lasting change in your life! 

Does the Soul Path Report Actually Change Lives?

Simply put, the answer is, “Yes!” 

We refuse to recommend anything that wouldn’t work. 

If you’re looking for specifics, here’s exactly how the Soul Path Report will deliver the amazing results that you need to manifest the life that you’ve always wanted:

Addresses Three Major Areas of Life (Love and Romance, Wealth, and Health): This program is compiled with information that will help you tap into your highest self to manifest your best relationships and friendships, and tap into an unlimited source of abundance from wealth to time and freedom.

It also addresses the best ways to improve your health based on your soul’s personal path! By putting all three together, this particular system is so much more powerful than any other manifestation programs on the market because it corrects our thought processes and aligns us back onto your unique soul path.

Shadow Work: This program isn’t all about love and light as much as we want to really tap into those things. Your Personal Soul Path Report also talks about the areas of your life that you didn’t even know needed addressing or your soul’s natural shadow. It’s necessary to include this part of yourself so that you can truly manifest your soul’s deepest desires.

A Comprehensive Approach: Other tools that try to teach you about manifesting or connecting with your cosmic astrology tend to leave out integral information, leaving you on a constant search for more. Not with this program!

The Personal Soul Path report not only covers 3 major areas of life, but it dives into every aspect so that when you finish the report, you’re well-informed and ready to take on the world!

Information Backed By Historical Facts: The Personalized Soul Path Report actually dives back into ancient history to not only educate you, but validate its practice with true historical, ancestral, and esoteric knowledge!

Easy to Read and Implement: The Personalized Soul Path Report is lengthy because it’s overflowing with so much valuable information, but it’s presented in a very easy to digest package. Not only does the report flow and make it super easy to read, but the action-steps outlined within it are even easier to implement!

Countless Success Stories: The Personalized Soul Path Report has some really mind-blowing success stories from people who have used it. Some people went from being single and unsatisfied for years to finding the soul mate of their dreams! Others are happier, less stressed, and more financially stable.

365-Day Money-Back Guarantee: Who do you know who has a FULL YEAR money-back guarantee? The Personalized Soul Path Report has generated so many successful stories, that if you don’t love your results (and we know you will), you can just get your money back. Literally, there is no risk! What do you have to lose?

So… how does this report improve your life on so many levels?

How Does The Personalized Soul Path Report Get You Back In Tune With Your Soul’s True Purpose?

It’s sad to say, but just about everything that you’ve been taught has been a lie. 

Structures around romance and love dissolve when you tap into your soul’s true path. 

There’s a flow of wealth, time, and energy when you learn to listen to the call of your inner being. 

And after all, health is wealth but we were never taught that! 

Literally, The Personalized Soul Path Report not only helps you unmask the lies that have been told to you but as you read your own unique soul path, you’ll feel reassured as your personal path begins to illuminate. 

It’s actually pretty risky what they’re doing...waking everyone up. 

At the base, The Personalized Soul Path Report will call out to your inner being and encourage you to tear down your preconceived notions and tap into your spirit’s true ambitions. 

What’s the Downside?

There is only one real downside to The Personal Soul Path Report: you must sit down and actually read it. 

First of all, this report can only be accessed online, but as soon as you purchase your Personalized Soul Path Report will be available for you to download. You can choose to read it on any of your favorite devices -- cell phone, tablet, or laptop. Whichever works for you. 

However, we really recommend printing out your physical copy.


There’s just something about actually being able to mark-up the margins as you sit down to truly immerse yourself in your Personalized Soul Path Report. 

Of course, you can always revisit your report online - it’s yours forever once you’ve purchased it. 

It’s also great to have your printed version available in your study or library for reference. 

Really, all it takes is a promise to yourself to really indulge in the information that the Universe has to offer you. 

Should You Buy The Personalized Soul Path Report?


If you’re ready to change your life for the better (and not just in a material way), what are you waiting for? 

The scientific, historic, and real results are overwhelming!  

Right now, it’s available for an amazingly low price, even with all four bonuses included. 

Again, the program can be downloaded to any electronic device, so you can start making those massive changes in your life today.

Just a reminder, it’s 100% guaranteed! With a 365-day money-back guarantee, you have nothing to lose...

>>> Get YOUR Personalized Soul Path Report Now!! <<<


Eat Sleep Burn System



Product NameEat Sleep Burn

Official Website: Click here >>

In the “Eat Sleep Burn” system you’ll learn…

The precise Shutdown Sequence required to guarantee the exact form of potent sleep that will naturally melt away all your excess body fat…

The 3 key Sleep Switches that make it easy to reclaim your energy and vitality…

How to reset your “Circadian Rhythm” so that your body intuitively knows the most healthy time to drift off to sleep and to wake you without an alarm or any morning grogginess…

How to control a powerful “neurotransmitter” in your brain that instantly lets you shut out anxious thoughts and power down your spinning brain…

Which means as soon as tonight you can enjoy a deep, relaxing and restoring sleep while your body goes to work burning ugly belly fat…

…while deep in your cells you immediately start laying the foundation that will help prevent the potential for disease that lurks in your body…

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. I barely have time to tell you about…

The “Bat Cave” method to virtually guarantee you fall easily into a deep and restorative sleep…

The 2 rules you must NEVER break if you take a nap. I mean never…

One simple trick you can use to double the amount of fat-burning deep sleep you get every single night…

How to reduce cancer-causing inflammation throughout your body without dangerous and expensive drugs…

And much, much more…

The 7 Day Keto Carb Cycling Blueprint



Product NameThe 7 Day Keto Carb Cycling Blueprint

Official Website: Click here >>

(Featuring The 7-POUNDS-IN 7-DAYS Formula)

This is the same blueprint I used to transform my body at 48 years old and it's honestly the best gift I could ever offer you.

Karen and I stripped every step down into 7-day weekly cycle for ease-of-use.  

When you make the intelligent choice to take action today and download a digital copy to your favorite mobile device you will..

Dramatically Accelerate Anti-Aging Ketone Molecule Production

Quickly Transform Your Body From "Sugar-Burner" to "Fat-Burner"

END Your Body's Addiction To Sugar & "Shuts Off" Cravings

Get All The Benefits Of Conventional Keto (without "metabolic slowdown" or the "hormonal decline")

Includes "Food Pairing" Tricks That Shield Your Body From Diabetes (keeps your body in "Fat-Burning Mode" 24/7)

Built-In Hacks To Eliminate Negative KETO FLU Side-Effects

Includes Hormone-Boosting Carbs, Cheat Meals, Desserts, and detailed alcohol guidelines

Complete with flexible happy hour and weekend guidelines to prevent "fat-spillover"…

All while resetting your body's master fat-burning hormones every week.

No calorie counting… no overwhelm from having to weigh food… no strict, complicated rules to follow… no deprivation.

Just repeat this cycle until you reach your ideal weight.

The Smoothie Diet | 21 Day Rapid Weight Loss Program


Product NameThe Smoothie Diet | 21 Day Rapid Weight Loss Program

Official Website: Click here >>

22lbs GONE in 13 days with this strange “carb-pairing” trick

If you’re upset about your weight and want to lose a little more, get this…

An overweight mother with pre-diabetes has just SHOCKED the medical

community by losing an unheard of 22lbs pounds in just 13 days…

....Without starving herself, she lost a total of 37lbs in the first month!

-> CLICK HERE to see her Transformation Pics!

...Even without exercising, she went on to burn off 84lbs (almost a pound a day)

and eliminated any sign of diabetes or any other life-ending diseases.

And the amazing thing is…

All she did was this D.I.Y. “carb-pairing” trick that reconditions your 3 female

weight-loss hormones to drastically accelerate fat-burning while still eating the

foods you love.

Check it out for yourself…

“Carb-Pairing” Melts Away 37 Pounds in Just 20 Days (WOMEN ONLY)


Custom Keto Diet



Product NameCustom Keto Diet

Official WebsiteClick here >>

In my opinion, the nutrition industry is hopelessly broken. Instead of helping people improve their health and overall physical appearance, the world is filled with myths, scams, and flat-out lies.

I mean, it’s obvious the current dietary guidelines don’t work. Just look at the stats. 71.6% of American adults aged 20 and above are overweight, of which more than half are obese![1]

Now, if you’re one of the millions of people who follow all the nutrition rules outlined by health and fitness “gurus” but still carry excess fat, it is not your fault!

Here’s what you’ll get if you start today:

An eight-week meal plan based on the experience and expertise of industry leaders.

That includes nutritionists, personal trainers, and chefs to ensure you make optimal progress toward your dream figure.

A diet optimized to your own ideal calorie and macro intake.

If you mess up your calorie and macro intake, you might as well not even start a diet. That's why we base your meal plan on science-based methods to figure out the ideal calorie and macro intake for your situation and goals.

Delicious meals based on your food preferences.

We’ve done extensive research and testing and united with top-leading keto chefs to provide you with mouth-watering recipes. You’ll get meals customized to your food preferences to ensure you’ll look forward to each meal. This not only makes your diet enjoyable, but also helps you make a long-lasting change.

Instructions on how to further customize your meals.

For each meal, we’ll provide you with options to further customize your diet to your preferences. For instance, if you don’t feel like eating bacon, you may have the choice to replace it with beef.

A meal plan with lots of food variety.

Your meal plan will contain a wide range of different foods.

This ensures you’ll get a broad spectrum of nutrients, while also making sure dieting stays enjoyable.

Crystal clear, step-by-step recipe instructions.

Even if you have no cooking experience, preparing your meals will be a breeze. All you have to do is follow your "paint-by-the-numbers" instructions and reap the rewards that come with it.

A downloadable grocery list.

Stop wasting countless hours in the supermarket. You’ll get a downloadable shopping list for each week that details every needed ingredient you’ll need in the upcoming seven days.

And much more…

That was just a quick overview of what you’ll get. As you can see, our custom diet plans leave no stone unturned. We've done everything we can to design a convenient, effective, and enjoyable meal plan to help you reach your health and body shape goals.

The Kidney Disease Solution



Product NameThe Kidney Disease Solution

Official Website: Click here >>

The Kidney Disease Solution is a proven natural program for reversing kidney disease and living a normal healthy life that you fully enjoy. Anyone who uses this program and has been diagnosed with kidney disease can reverse their condition quickly and easily, as well as keep kidney disease away for good.

Based on over 35 years of combined experience as qualified naturopaths, Duncan Capicchiano N.D. and Fiona Chin N.D. have created a fully-digital program that is specifically built for anyone to be able to implement on their own and find success.

Drawing on intensive research of holistic medicine and kidney disease studies from the last five to ten years, The Kidney Disease Solution creates the entire foundational treatment plan, including diet, exercise, lifestyle and mind-body techniques that are proven to reverse kidney disease or to stop anyone from getting diagnosed.

Duncan and Fiona discovered the powerful foundation of The Kidney Disease Solution when they saw that Fiona’s beloved Nanna – 73 and with Stage 4 Kidney Disease – completely turned her life around without dialysis or a transplant.

The secrets to Nanna’s health transformation have gone on to help over 25,000 kidney disease sufferers get rid of it forever. Now the entire wellness plan, once only available at Duncan and Fiona’s premier clinic in Australia, is available as a fully-digital book.

This life-changing resource is broken down into several key parts:

Kidney Disease Education: This resource answers every major question about kidney disease, using the latest in scientific research to do so. Also learn how to detect your kidney function and look for kidney failure symptoms before a doctor’s visit.

Western v.s. The Natural Way: Learn why the “Western Treatment Model” fails to offer a proven reversal to kidney disease, and why a fully-natural solution not only works, but has been proven again and again (with many great case studies included in the program).

The Alkaline Diet: Having the right nutrients is key to restoring kidney health, so The Kidney Disease Solution explains the science behind the Alkaline Diet and breaks down each nutrient and mineral type so you know how to diet your way back to full health.

Holistic Lifestyle Solution: This program deals with the whole self, meaning that you will learn how everything from lack of sunlight to certain over-the-counter drugs to feelings of chronic stress or sadness is actually keeping your body from fully restoring and healing itself. This is a key complement to the Alkaline Diet, and the program comes with powerful mind and body exercises that anyone can do, no matter your age.

With these foundational pieces in place, plus bonus sections covering diabetes, hypertension, kidney stones, juicing, relaxation and more, Duncan and Fiona puts the power, knowledge and resources directly into each reader’s hands. Plus, The Kidney Disease Solution is optimized to be easy-to-read, comprehensive and to guide step-by-step through the kidney disease reversal process.

Thousands are using The Kidney Disease Solution to change their lives, take back their kidney health and find freedom in their future.

Portable Solar Enegy System


Product NamePortable Solar Enegy System

Official Website: Click here >>

Don't buy solar panels before seeing THIS

The '20k solar panel system' is coming to an end.

Wall street confirms all share holders are selling hard after this weird cheap solution popped on the radar...

And they have every reason to...

Over 18,000 Patriots are using the system in their homes... (and that's just in the last three months)

They get unlimited energy for less than 80 cents a day...

Without paying one nickel more to their electricity provider!

If you’re skeptical...

Just watch this short video... and you’ll be able to cut your power bills to almost ZERO in just 45 minutes!


This strange device will start a huge scandal | Easy Power Plan



Product NameEasy Power Plan 

Official Website: Click here >>

This strange device will start a huge scandal

You are one of the few lucky patriots who get the chance to hear this…

A brilliant engineer from Lexington, Kentucky developed a one-of-a-kind device that will start a major scandal and even had Trump’s administration worry about it.


In the near future all green energy technology will replace all current energy grid and it will all start with this device.

It’s 10 times more powerful than any solar panel.

Grab yours ahead now while it's still out there... and prepare to learn something amazing!


P.S. I really recommend you stop what you're doing right now and watch this short presentation.I don't know how much longer they can leave it up.

New Battery Reconditioning Course


Product NameNew Battery Reconditioning Course

Official Website: Click here >>

Here's What's In the EZ Battery Reconditioning™ Program...

Inside the program (which I’ll show you how to get access to in just a second)…

You’ll be able to use our step-by-step guides that will show you how to recondition nearly every type of battery out there.

The guides are full of pictures and diagrams so you not only read exactly what to do…

You see exactly what to do as well!

It’s like having me and Frank standing there with you, guiding you every step of the way as you recondition your batteries.

Both Frank and I put a lot of time, money, and effort into developing this program because we know how much it can help people.


And that’s why we also wanted to make sure it was accessible to everyone!

So we made the guides something you can download to your computer, tablet, or smart phone, so you can use our simple reconditioning methods ANYWHERE and ANYTIME.

Now, no matter where you are when one of your batteries dies, you can pull up our guides on whatever devices you have with you, and immediately recondition the dead battery.

You can even download and print the guides to use them off-line.

And on top of that…

The simple methods we teach are safe, easy-to-do and can be done by anyone - in any country.

The Guides Are So Easy To Follow (and full of step-by-step pictures and diagrams)...


Anybody Can Follow Along And Bring Their Batteries Back To Life Again 

(There's No Guesswork... Simply Copy What We Do In The Guides & Bring Your Batteries Back To Life!)

Absolutley Anyone Can Do This! ...Even If You Have No DIY Skills

EZ Battery Reconditioning™ makes it simple to bring your old batteries back to life. We take you by the hand and guide you every step of the way as you recondition your batteries.

With our easy-to-follow guides, absolutely anyone can do this. You simply copy what we're doing in the reconditioning guides and you can bring your old batteries back to life too!


The Backyard Miracle Farm Will Change Our World Forever



Product NameThe Backyard Miracle Farm 

Official Website: Click here >>

Experts In Shock After a Crazy Guy Discovers An Automated Micro-Farm...

It's right here folks:

>> Get it here

-> 1500 duck and chicken eggs

-> 12,500 quail eggs

-> 210 lbs of duck meat

-> 230 lbs of chicken meat

-> 175 lbs of rabbit meat

-> 120 lbs of juicy tomatoes

-> 30 lbs of bell peppers

-> 110 lbs of cucumbers

...with a crazy "home made" automated micro farm in his backyard.

Guess what? Most of the time he was in holiday and still got these results.

Agriculture experts are ashamed that they never thought of this before...

It's right here >> Get it here

What's funny about this invention is that it runs almost on autopilot... following the nature principles... one element feeding another... and in the end they all feed the guy.

I swear I couldn't sleep for two nights when I saw this:

>> Get it here

Best of luck and happy eating!

Green Veggie INFLAMES Diabetes Type 2


 Product NameGreen Veggie INFLAMES Diabetes Type 2 

 Official Website: Click here >>

Breaking scientific research shows that there’s a green vegetable that INFLAMES diabetes type 2 symptoms…


Causing deadly spikes in blood sugar, increased fat storage, hormonal imbalances, brain fog, arterial plaque and debilitating chronic fatigue…

>> Discover the 1 Green VEGGIE that WORSENS Diabetes Type 2 Symptoms 


You might be eating this veggie every day, believing it to be super “healthy” everyone else does….

But it’s NOT...


I was eating this green veggie myself 3 or 4 times a week…


Believing it to be super good for me (all the diet gurus tell you to eat it daily)….


It’s NOT your fault if you’re eating it too.


You could never know this veggie considered to be a “super food” is infected with some of the nastiest industrial toxins on the planet….


Toxins that are banned in Europe because they inflame your diabetes type 2 symptoms, attack your pancreas and disrupt your insulin….

Can you imagine getting your blood sugar under control for the first time in years?


Start by eliminating this common veggie from your diet as of today:


>> 1 Green VEGGIE that INFLAMES Diabetes Type 2 Symptoms 


To your best health.

100 Great Sex Games For Couples By Michael Webb, Oprah Love Expert


Product Name100 Great Sex Games For Couples By Michael Webb, Oprah Love Expert

Official Website: Click here >>

Here's Just a Sample of The Games Inside 100 Sex Games For Couples…

A brand new way to play with a deck of cards that will bring about amazing climaxes

An exciting game that leads to lovemaking in new places around the house

A great child's game with a slight change of the rules can be reused for incredible lovemaking possibilities

A game that begins at a restaurant and the sex actions are determined by what's on the menu and what the waiter says

A guessing game that will have you burning with desire in just 10 minutes

A sex game that turns an ordinary, every day experience into 30 minutes of pulsating foreplay

Kings and Queens will have a whole new, erotic meaning with this game

A sex game that guarantees to stimulate your body in new and exciting ways whilekeeping your partner begging for more

Blindfolds and food always make for great lovemaking - this game puts new twists on the concept

Turn watching that football, basketball or baseball game into an erotic romp. Both of you will be cheering on the teams in a new and surprising way with this game

A twist on an old bar game that will bring burning passions to your loins - and everyone wins at this game

The lingerie game will have one of you begging for action by the time it is over

Play this ball game indoors which will guarantee to have him rock hard and throbbing by the time it is over

And much much more...

NEVER Be Stuck For Lovemaking Ideas Again!

Enjoy a closer and more meaningful relationship with your partner

Experience more happiness and fulfillment in your relationship or marriage

Enjoy more confidence knowing your partner is fully satisfied (maybe they'll even initiate sex more!)

Make love more often!

Have full-body orgasms more often

Feel safe and secure knowing that your thriving relationship will continue to blossom long into the future